Your Organizational Transformation

Leading organizational transformations

We hate workplaces that oppress the human spirit. Our mission is to help you build one that doesn’t.

Why us?

Are there some things about the way your organization functions that you feel could run much better? 

We apply first principles thinking to “get down to the physics” of what you want human interactions to “look like” at your organization to build a structure where people cannot help but collaborate and learn; a space where they look forward to coming to work tomorrow after working together to meet the challenges of today. Practicing collaborative concepts borrowed from lean, the agile manifesto, and design thinking, we have learned that lasting results come from discovering better ways to develop people by doing it and helping others do it. Thus, we are not a good fit for every organization.

If you answered “no” to each of the above, then you have come to right place!

While there is value on the items on the left, through this work we have come to value the items on the right more.

first principles thinking adventages


“A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. The inverse proposition also appears to be true: A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be made to work. You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system.” - Gall’s law

organizational change skill set

 Often, the technical change that is implemented is over complicated and the tendency is to double down on the technical change. What we will help you do is start with a simple system that works, gently surface organizational issues to learn how your organization would like to support the people encountering the issue, and then begin to scale throughout the rest of your organization. 

Where to begin - not where you have the biggest problems, but where you have the most engaged leadership.

The key is the rate of learning. 

The tools of successful organizations are remarkably similar and fairly easy to copy. There is little disagreement that they work. The difficulty lies in the human foibles presented along the way.